Formulating Enterprise Application Training Program? Here is Everything You Need to Know

American Sausages and Multicuisine Factory for the first time have decided to cross borders and launch its product in South Asia; focus is much more on the Indian market. As Indian market is diversified, people belong from different cultural backgrounds, hold different food habits and even speak in different languages, so the task for company to nurture itself as a successful food chain is not a cakewalk.

The organization in its emancipation stage, effectively dealt with infrastructural issues such as creating state-of-the-art restaurants, logistics deployment and hiring of efficient staffs. To meet the competitive Indian market, where digitalization is taking rapidly, organization has also decided to adopt the efficacious enterprise application through which online orders and aligned services can be easily carried out.
However, in the Indian market the task of adopting an enterprise application for online orders and other aligned services is not easy. Many of the newly hired staffs are just computer literate; they have experiences only in taking orders and generating invoices manually. For getting the desired ROI through the enterprise application, organization has therefore, decided to give essential training to its newly hired staffs.

Challenges before Implementation of Enterprise Application Training

On the way of training employees there are few challenges that American Sausages and Multicuisine Factory needs to pass through. These challenges include:

Choose the right platform for training
Organization’s first challenge is to decide and pick the right learning platform: online learning or classroom training? Several research shows classroom retention rate is 10-30 percent lower than online training. So it is wise to go for eLearning. BLOG_innerpage03_02a
Develop learning module that suits all
Organization needs to develop or opt customized eLearning solutions that suits all employees, who come from different cultural backgrounds and speak in different languages BLOG_innerpage03_02b
Create a module that can be accessed on demand
Many a time, there occurs a situation when employees may need training while working, and therefore, it is advisable to adopt eLearning module which is accessible at any given point of time. BLOG_innerpage03_02c
Establish a learning platform that focuses on practical knowledge
During training, it is important to aware employees about the real-time situations. It is, therefore, advisable to establish an eLearning platform that exemplifies real life scenarios. Augmented reality is the way to go. BLOG_innerpage03_02d

After having basic understandings and adaptation of requisite corporate training strategies, American Sausages and Multicuisine Factory decide to go for enterprise application training of employees. However, again the task of implementing enterprise application training is not easy and therefore, top administration has called Max Jackson, L&D Manager, Charles Smith, eLearning professional and other stakeholders.

Max Jackson is assigned with the job of preparing the right enterprise application training program and asked Charles Smith to guide Max Jackson in developing the effective training module. In this blog post, we further see how Jackson helps Smith in designing effective enterprise application training program. Let’s begin.


Charles Introduces Max with Software Simulations


Prior to this meeting, Max was unaware of software simulations. Software simulations in training, is imitation of real-time scenarios in the form of games and demos, wherein learners get chance to get aware of practical challenges. Creating demos and games based on the real scenarios and asking learners to pass different stages of games or practice on demos are few examples of software simulations. Software simulation, an imitation of real-life scenarios is therefore considered one of the effective ways for corporate training.


After introducing software simulations, Charles informs Max about its various advantages, which are:
Active Engagement
It is easy to actively engage employees by acquainting them with real-life scenarios. Games and demos enhance learners’ engagement by manifold.
Easily Adaptive
By going through traditional online training or classroom training, there is no space for learners getting chance to try, fail and learn. However, with simulations learners can try and try again, until they become expert.
Self Controlled
Pace of many eLearning courses or online training modules are set by the instructors or trainers, however, with simulations, learners can customize the speed according to their own ability and need.
Fast Feedback
With traditional form of learning, it is difficult to assess performance of the learners, however, with simulations, it is easy to evaluate and know learners’ growth.
Guided Practice
Simulations are integrated with metadata, through which learners can get details of the subject and easily clear any doubts.


In this competitive age, companies need to train its staff at a rapid pace, for which software simulations for enterprise application training has proven as one of effective ways. American Sausages and Multicuisine Factory through software simulations has been able to train its employees in a much better way, due to which this food chain is leveraging highly in the digital space – cutting down infrastructural costs and supercharging ROI in several different ways.

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